Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our Donor and the Chronicles of the Failed Ovaries

We finally found our donor. The genetic mother of our to-be baby...Same height and weight (- 20 pounds) (Well.... I used to be that skinny...geesh). Same blood type. Her picture kinda looks like little orphan Annie (they only show us the pics from childhood)... The only kinda creepy part is one of her pics looks like a female version of Mike when he was a kid.. "They" say we are all very closely related genetically. Ok- that was kind of sick but anyway- Our donor goes in for further f/u testing this week. I really like that they( Seattle Reproductive Medicine) do a follow up drug and nicotine testing prior to starting a cycle. Oh and she is a proven donor- this has become increasingly important to me lately. BUT, there is a fee of $3000 to hold your donor. And of course, this isn't covered with the $38,000 Attain package (the flat fee get 3 fresh IVF and 3 Frozen embryo transfer package). NOOOOOOO- this is extra. So now we have to come up with another 3,000. Good lord this is one expensive child- and it hasn't even been conceived yet.

The next step involves talking to the genetic counselor to determine if we want any more testing for Mike or for the donor (additional fee of course)...yah right. Then birth control pills and then we start coordinating cycles and then the fun begins..Looking forward to the injections with big needles and viscous painful fluids. Good times ahead....good times.

Keep following for more adventures of the failed ovaries..

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