AT work today. Don't really have time for work- have two exams and a presentation next week. Rest of my family is at home. Little ones are going to the movies and rollerskating with their dad and Aunt Debbie---wish I had an Aunt Debbie!
So joint commisions will be coming to our home health agency in January some time so the big deal right now is abbreviations... DONT USE THEM!!!! WTF--much of nursing is about abbreviations...Betty and I think it is because some of the nurses dont know what many of the abbreviations are. I mean I understand the whole orders thing and if I were dealing with medications I would'nt say Pot for Potassium-- but HTN for hypertension A fib for atrial fibrillation. PE for pulmonary embolism---now those are very common med abbreviations that are not mistaken for anything else.... It is really quite funny----a lot of it revolves around RVR= rapid ventricular rate. So if you are having an MI you are not having a heart attack you are having a myocardial infarction. If you are having a CVA ---nope---you are having a cardiovascular accident...Oh well
TTFN oh...I mean ta ta for now!!!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
I'm friggin tired. I am friggin tired...... I dream about pathophysiology. I do a general assessment on everyone I see. I try and conjure up care plans in my head when I see them. I am walking in a new dimension. I have anxiety. I cannot understand my chapter six patho info on Inflammation and the mechanisms of self defense- I think I need to take a course in Latin or ancient Chinese before I proceed. Who gives a shit about the degradation of vasoactive amines and chemotactic factor....Let me give you a hint----IT IS NOT ME!!!!!!!
Got shot down at work today on whether or not to put a pillow under the leg of a patient 4 weeks out after having a total knee arthroplasty. She has full extension and ROM...She is off coumadin...She knows not to put pressure under her knee. BUT what the fuck do I know...I am only and LPN...Oh, forgot, did I mention I worked in Ortho for 5 years...and with her ortho doc??? BITTER...PARTY OF ONE!!!!
Got a bill from MCI today. For 32.00 for a phone number I have not had for 3 years....HHHHMM. Can we say DUH!!!! Called them and the first question they asked was.."Are you sure you dont have that number anymore?"--that was a great question..Dont ya think..The second question was.."So you are disputing the charges?"..I am thinking that maybe the second question was even better than the first...
I am going to go drink heavily now..
Got shot down at work today on whether or not to put a pillow under the leg of a patient 4 weeks out after having a total knee arthroplasty. She has full extension and ROM...She is off coumadin...She knows not to put pressure under her knee. BUT what the fuck do I know...I am only and LPN...Oh, forgot, did I mention I worked in Ortho for 5 years...and with her ortho doc??? BITTER...PARTY OF ONE!!!!
Got a bill from MCI today. For 32.00 for a phone number I have not had for 3 years....HHHHMM. Can we say DUH!!!! Called them and the first question they asked was.."Are you sure you dont have that number anymore?"--that was a great question..Dont ya think..The second question was.."So you are disputing the charges?"..I am thinking that maybe the second question was even better than the first...
I am going to go drink heavily now..
Sunday, September 10, 2006
College Girl
So school has officially started for 5 out of the 6 occupants of our house hold (Monkey is just "getting schooled") He is getting schooled by 3 kids in soccer, a wife in an academically rigorous nursing program, work, piece of shit Plymouth Laser, two teenagers working, a hormonal 16 year old who believes it is ok for us to lie to his best friends parent just so he can visit his girlfriend from another country (ok..Bainbridge Island). A 17 year old cheerleader.....need I say more......But he is handling it quite well........Then again, he did leave the house this morning at the butt crack of dawn smelling like men's Pure Romance Ego line with pheromones in it just to see his best friend Ben and have coffee with him this morning....Hhhmmmm.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Flat impaired PaRT dEU
Ok, so it seems I need to specify exactly what "flat impaired" is.
If I were referring to my ta ta's it would be growth impaired or cleavage impaired or something like that.
I was actually referring to my fixing my first flat on BIG RED my 30+ lb road bike. Luckily I noticed it before I got on the road heading home. Now, I coulda pussied out and called my Monkey Mechanic spouse who looks hotter n hell in spandex and even hotter with a wrench in his hand and lube (I mean grease) all over him! But no, I was determined to do this myself. So 30 minutes later, I had fixed my first flat. Covered with chain grease and smeared all over my face (didn't realize it till I made it home). I was sweating after I was done- And because there were still some people at work, I had to pretend I knew exactly what I was doing. I faked it well!!!
But I was quite lucky because I could have experienced my first flat on the side of road of Navy Yard Highway covered with glass, single shoes, rocks, those funny screws with bolts still attached (these are all over the friggin place!!! Imagine they come off cars- maybe same place the solo shoes come from) And I could have been trying to dodge fired up motorists in trashy cars who are jonesing for that cold Schmidt at home in their fridge. Or those older men who have some sort of Vietnam vendetta against cyclists and absolutely refuse to share the road and therefore, swerve as if to hit you and get their rocks off when you jump. OR those copenhagen chewing ball scratching beer drinking high school drop outs in a big loud truck who wanna fuck with you just because you are a woman (who they all think are tramps). Or the dumass teenage girl on a cell phone reaching for her starbucks coffee. off the subject there on a rampage.
Anyway, fixed my first flat............YEE HAW!!!
If I were referring to my ta ta's it would be growth impaired or cleavage impaired or something like that.
I was actually referring to my fixing my first flat on BIG RED my 30+ lb road bike. Luckily I noticed it before I got on the road heading home. Now, I coulda pussied out and called my Monkey Mechanic spouse who looks hotter n hell in spandex and even hotter with a wrench in his hand and lube (I mean grease) all over him! But no, I was determined to do this myself. So 30 minutes later, I had fixed my first flat. Covered with chain grease and smeared all over my face (didn't realize it till I made it home). I was sweating after I was done- And because there were still some people at work, I had to pretend I knew exactly what I was doing. I faked it well!!!
But I was quite lucky because I could have experienced my first flat on the side of road of Navy Yard Highway covered with glass, single shoes, rocks, those funny screws with bolts still attached (these are all over the friggin place!!! Imagine they come off cars- maybe same place the solo shoes come from) And I could have been trying to dodge fired up motorists in trashy cars who are jonesing for that cold Schmidt at home in their fridge. Or those older men who have some sort of Vietnam vendetta against cyclists and absolutely refuse to share the road and therefore, swerve as if to hit you and get their rocks off when you jump. OR those copenhagen chewing ball scratching beer drinking high school drop outs in a big loud truck who wanna fuck with you just because you are a woman (who they all think are tramps). Or the dumass teenage girl on a cell phone reaching for her starbucks coffee. off the subject there on a rampage.
Anyway, fixed my first flat............YEE HAW!!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Flat Impaired
What the hell happened to the message I posted regarding this??? It disappeared and I dont feel like re writing it..So now ya all will never know the story...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Shipyard sucks
So they are gonna send my monkey away for 2 weeks in the fall. Ummm nooo, not going to work for me..Why? you ask..Lets see, I have 3 kids in soccer, I am starting a new school...In Tacoma. Josie and Mason will be starting a new school and a new schedule and both Bridget and Aaron are in high school. Both work and Bridget has cheer and we are down a vehicle. And everytime Mike goes away...The house breaks.
So I am pissed and it leaves me wondering...Do they actually make you..Or does Monkey volunteer to get the F away from his crazy friggin wife, a money pit house, a pissing crapping cat, two teenagers from hell, Rosemary's six year old and dogs that try to dig to China or escape from Alcatraz on a nightly basis....
Shit, maybe I will work for the shipyard and I will get away on a vacation for two weeks. Oh, I mean work for two weeks...Yah, similar to the "work" that was done in Hawaii last October. Maybe Monkey can be gone again on Halloween and watch hot little bar ho's dressed as a Brittany Spears school girl again and fantasize and actually verbalize how i should wear the same outfit while giggling with his male co workers....
OOOOPPPPS,, I did it again...I'm being bitter.
So I am pissed and it leaves me wondering...Do they actually make you..Or does Monkey volunteer to get the F away from his crazy friggin wife, a money pit house, a pissing crapping cat, two teenagers from hell, Rosemary's six year old and dogs that try to dig to China or escape from Alcatraz on a nightly basis....
Shit, maybe I will work for the shipyard and I will get away on a vacation for two weeks. Oh, I mean work for two weeks...Yah, similar to the "work" that was done in Hawaii last October. Maybe Monkey can be gone again on Halloween and watch hot little bar ho's dressed as a Brittany Spears school girl again and fantasize and actually verbalize how i should wear the same outfit while giggling with his male co workers....
OOOOPPPPS,, I did it again...I'm being bitter.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
One thing I have learned to love and appreciate are broad shoulders. Wide, strong, lean, untouched or at least smooth and debris free. Nothing makes me feel more protected than wide perfect shoulders.
I worry less and ride more confident (hee hee, ya all thought I was talking about men huh!!)
NOPE...I just hate commuting when the shoulders are all full of debris such as glass, staples, shoes, rocks and who the hell knows what else. In fact, right now as we speak there is a little pirate sword on the side of the road along Navy Yard highway. For the first couple of days, I saw it, I thought it was real. And all these wild tales of death, murder and torture formed in my mind. But now, I am pretty sure that it is plastic...I think it came from the same place the shoes come from. It amazes me how many people lose their shoes on Navy Yard Highway there right before the shipyard. In fact, It makes me wonder if there is a little shoe fairy that just deposits unwanted shoes along the road just for the sheer purpose of making me wonder why it is there and how it got there. Or maybe....just maybe...the shoemakers elves realize that they made two lefts instead of a right and a left and they get soooo mad, they throw it out the window of their SUV?????? Who knows..Do you think the sock stealer in each and every house gives themselves to those shoes?? Maybe as a sacrifice of some sort.
I worry less and ride more confident (hee hee, ya all thought I was talking about men huh!!)
NOPE...I just hate commuting when the shoulders are all full of debris such as glass, staples, shoes, rocks and who the hell knows what else. In fact, right now as we speak there is a little pirate sword on the side of the road along Navy Yard highway. For the first couple of days, I saw it, I thought it was real. And all these wild tales of death, murder and torture formed in my mind. But now, I am pretty sure that it is plastic...I think it came from the same place the shoes come from. It amazes me how many people lose their shoes on Navy Yard Highway there right before the shipyard. In fact, It makes me wonder if there is a little shoe fairy that just deposits unwanted shoes along the road just for the sheer purpose of making me wonder why it is there and how it got there. Or maybe....just maybe...the shoemakers elves realize that they made two lefts instead of a right and a left and they get soooo mad, they throw it out the window of their SUV?????? Who knows..Do you think the sock stealer in each and every house gives themselves to those shoes?? Maybe as a sacrifice of some sort.
Crying 6 year old
Wow, never seen a fit quite like this one. Money stolen off her dresser. Mason sure has lots of money. Poor little pickle. Wish she would learn to keep her money in a special place. Wish kids wouldnt steal..Poor little pickle.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
NEW rooms for the little ones
Mike and I spent the whole weekend detonating the little ones rooms. Ripped out carpets, washed walls, painted, spackled and installed laminate hard wood floors and decorated. NOt exactly in that order. The transformation was absolutely amazing. Kids were thrilled to death and dont even wanna come out of their rooms.
We are all very very excited. The funny part is how much stuff Josie has as compared to Mason. Unless of course you count his 5,984,000 he has stashed in his tote in his new closet.
Anyway, I want my family to come see these rooms. You would be amazed. Move over "While you were out" reality show. The ju ju and monkey show was far more entertaining.
We are all very very excited. The funny part is how much stuff Josie has as compared to Mason. Unless of course you count his 5,984,000 he has stashed in his tote in his new closet.
Anyway, I want my family to come see these rooms. You would be amazed. Move over "While you were out" reality show. The ju ju and monkey show was far more entertaining.
Friday, July 21, 2006
So the funnies thing happened to me this morning...I had some coffee and you know what happens after a couple cups of coffee....You have to go build a log cabin in the bathroom.
So on top of building a log cabin, it also happens to be the time of the month when my red friend visits me. So anyway, ya know how when you are done in the bathroom, you look in the toilet to see what you created?? Don't deny it...You know you do...Everyone does..........Anyway, I noticed a long stringy shiny thing in the toilet. Immediately I thought I lost my IUD...But upon looking closer, right next to my tampon was my lady bug necklace. I swear I didn't eat it for breakfast. I had rice krispies with blue berries on it..So I don't think it came out of my colon.... All I can think of is that I didn't clasp it well this morning after I took my PTA bath (Pits, Tits, Ass) . (In case you are wondering, I take a quick wipe down bath after I bike into work in the morning)
ANyway, I had to dig the necklace out of the toilet without losing the ladybug amidst my throne creations. I wanted to avoid having to finger paint..Although, I plan on fingerpainting when I am an old lady just because I can probably get away with it then.
Needless to say, I had to wash my necklace well and hand sanitize it etc...I guess I should wash my hands too.
The moral of this story is.. Always check out your art work in the potty when you are done creating cause you never know what you might find.
So on top of building a log cabin, it also happens to be the time of the month when my red friend visits me. So anyway, ya know how when you are done in the bathroom, you look in the toilet to see what you created?? Don't deny it...You know you do...Everyone does..........Anyway, I noticed a long stringy shiny thing in the toilet. Immediately I thought I lost my IUD...But upon looking closer, right next to my tampon was my lady bug necklace. I swear I didn't eat it for breakfast. I had rice krispies with blue berries on it..So I don't think it came out of my colon.... All I can think of is that I didn't clasp it well this morning after I took my PTA bath (Pits, Tits, Ass) . (In case you are wondering, I take a quick wipe down bath after I bike into work in the morning)
ANyway, I had to dig the necklace out of the toilet without losing the ladybug amidst my throne creations. I wanted to avoid having to finger paint..Although, I plan on fingerpainting when I am an old lady just because I can probably get away with it then.
Needless to say, I had to wash my necklace well and hand sanitize it etc...I guess I should wash my hands too.
The moral of this story is.. Always check out your art work in the potty when you are done creating cause you never know what you might find.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
ok ok
A dancing duck.. Creamy neopolitan treats, a giggling boar and laughing potato bug. I listen to them everyday.
And speaking of creamy, my partner in crime in the same cubicle has bacterial vaginosis. Or at least I think....She has the scoots.
I was also an oriental lady yesterday ordering Chinese pizza from our triage nurse. Worked for two days. She was very polite on the phone. Until yesterday, then I decided I better let her know that Sihn Wai Puhn was really me and not some confused oriental lady.
I have pretty much entered all my info in the computer for the day. Now I am playing...Waiting for more doctors orders or abstract phone calls from people who dont know what the hell they want. They just want me to take their patients off their hands and reduce their phone call load. Im ok with that...I have been there. There is nothing more fulfilling than disposing of those duplicate phone messages or something.
I believe this blogging is illegal at work. It somehow may be related to some type of HIPPA noncompliance..Not sure how but I think something can be conjured up. TOIL TOIL
Been commuting into work by bike. It kinda helps with the increased eating I have done because my friend with BV keeps feeding me chocolate and other fatty high caloric treats. It is because I have a nice ass and she wants me to be fat to make her feel better. No worries on that because she is a little rail..My boobs are bigger too..That kind of makes me happy but my belly is really large. Today I am blaming my enlarged marsupial pouch on menstrual bloating.
Anyway, I like the commuting by bike thing. I get my exercise in. And when I dont ride into work, I try to get in a quick run. Of course, by the time 10pm rolls around and I am ready to study, I collapse in my book and snore. Of course, I think the 3 glasses of red wine contribute a skoosh.
HHmm, foggy glasses. Cant really see what Im writing..Good because I can blame it on my temporary schizophrenic blogging episode that you are now reading. Ok, going back to work now. Must eat more M&M's..Did you know the peanut butter filled ones are fabulous and they make them in a GIANt size????!!!!!
And speaking of creamy, my partner in crime in the same cubicle has bacterial vaginosis. Or at least I think....She has the scoots.
I was also an oriental lady yesterday ordering Chinese pizza from our triage nurse. Worked for two days. She was very polite on the phone. Until yesterday, then I decided I better let her know that Sihn Wai Puhn was really me and not some confused oriental lady.
I have pretty much entered all my info in the computer for the day. Now I am playing...Waiting for more doctors orders or abstract phone calls from people who dont know what the hell they want. They just want me to take their patients off their hands and reduce their phone call load. Im ok with that...I have been there. There is nothing more fulfilling than disposing of those duplicate phone messages or something.
I believe this blogging is illegal at work. It somehow may be related to some type of HIPPA noncompliance..Not sure how but I think something can be conjured up. TOIL TOIL
Been commuting into work by bike. It kinda helps with the increased eating I have done because my friend with BV keeps feeding me chocolate and other fatty high caloric treats. It is because I have a nice ass and she wants me to be fat to make her feel better. No worries on that because she is a little rail..My boobs are bigger too..That kind of makes me happy but my belly is really large. Today I am blaming my enlarged marsupial pouch on menstrual bloating.
Anyway, I like the commuting by bike thing. I get my exercise in. And when I dont ride into work, I try to get in a quick run. Of course, by the time 10pm rolls around and I am ready to study, I collapse in my book and snore. Of course, I think the 3 glasses of red wine contribute a skoosh.
HHmm, foggy glasses. Cant really see what Im writing..Good because I can blame it on my temporary schizophrenic blogging episode that you are now reading. Ok, going back to work now. Must eat more M&M's..Did you know the peanut butter filled ones are fabulous and they make them in a GIANt size????!!!!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Broke Back Forest
Title was kind of a STM inside joke.
Had a GREAT time last night with the Single Track Mind crew. Burgers, Brats, Beer, a good ride and good company. Met some really great people that I would love to hang with more often.
Bout of the tummy flu today though. Stayed home, kept kids home with me and slept much of the day. Monkey came home to take care of me and ended up feeling kinda blah himself and took a nap as well.
Feeling a bit better now.
I just saved money on my car insurance.............kidding...just couldnt resist. I actually now ride for team Velo Bella !! Its a womens racing team..They sponsor but the main goal is to have fun!!! No set amount of rides you need to do. Just buy a jersey, a license, sign up for email, post your info and race at least one ride...Not a problem being as how I plan on submitting myself to some cyclo cross pain this fall with my spouse. Should be an interesting fall...3 kids in soccer, 1 in SKHS football cheer, school for the kids, myself starting at PLU, and Monkey and I cross racing. ..Kinda makes me tired thinking about it.
I just wonder how many people actually start doing racing (amateur) or professional alike at almost 40. Well, what the hell. Ya only live once right????
Peace out!!
Title was kind of a STM inside joke.
Had a GREAT time last night with the Single Track Mind crew. Burgers, Brats, Beer, a good ride and good company. Met some really great people that I would love to hang with more often.
Bout of the tummy flu today though. Stayed home, kept kids home with me and slept much of the day. Monkey came home to take care of me and ended up feeling kinda blah himself and took a nap as well.
Feeling a bit better now.
I just saved money on my car insurance.............kidding...just couldnt resist. I actually now ride for team Velo Bella !! Its a womens racing team..They sponsor but the main goal is to have fun!!! No set amount of rides you need to do. Just buy a jersey, a license, sign up for email, post your info and race at least one ride...Not a problem being as how I plan on submitting myself to some cyclo cross pain this fall with my spouse. Should be an interesting fall...3 kids in soccer, 1 in SKHS football cheer, school for the kids, myself starting at PLU, and Monkey and I cross racing. ..Kinda makes me tired thinking about it.
I just wonder how many people actually start doing racing (amateur) or professional alike at almost 40. Well, what the hell. Ya only live once right????
Peace out!!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
My new Gearie

Tested out my new Kona King Supreme Geared full suspension bike today! Went to Capitol Forest and rode down the Greenline #6 (LOVE THAT TRAIL!!!) Rockin downhill course.
"Root Boo" (KONA) Took the drops like a "King" :) Rode very smooth, not too bouncy but far more plush than what I am used to. I.E. "Blue Boo" (SINGLE SPEED). I really really dug the bike. STILL Adore my single speed BLUE BOO.
My sweet spouse made a few adjustments to the gears and later changed out my front tire. Love being married to a bike nerd!!
Need to get used to taking the hills though, my instinct is to stand, such as I do on Blue Boo. I started to get the sitting and spinning (no pun intended) thing though.
Made it up the road climb to the Green line without stopping, it was hard and certainly got me rather asthmatic but the Root boo rocked up the hill, just dialed out my fork and set my pro ride to the correct setting and spun away.
Wow, almost sound like a bike nerd for a minute!!! off to surf bike porn.
My BIG little boy and his proud mama!

So proud ofAaron. He has a job working for the Clover leaf tavern. Seriously....He is working their concession stand. He is exhibiting responsibility and while some may say "yeah, he's sixteen" I say, "yeah, he's sixteen!". This is my child with ADD previously ADHD. No hyperactivity now really cuz he can veg on a couch for hours on end. is still a challenge.
I watched him interact with people, I watched him work the cash register, clean, cook, and basically run a busy concession stand all by himself. I was and am so proud that he is so responsible, in fact, they are so impressed with him, that he will be working at a Bluejackets game tomorrow night...THAT is the big daddy!!Talking to hundreds of customers with lots of cooking and counting. He will be working with his best friend Chris, whom I adore.
So anyway, ya all may be thinking that I am getting excited over something relatively minor and I am..Just wait till he (if he) graduates from high school. I will probably take out a billboard hang balloons from my car, graffiti the town and just all around shout for joy.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Ok, I think I am better now. Getting over my passive aggressive victimized state and ready to blog again.
And I am not always a nice person. No one is. I get hurt, mad and viscious as all wounded animals do..I mean Tink is my totem and she is quite naughty and vindictive.
And I am not always a nice person. No one is. I get hurt, mad and viscious as all wounded animals do..I mean Tink is my totem and she is quite naughty and vindictive.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Ju Ju over n out
Because I am no longer allowed to write how I feel even though that what the blog was meant for me to do.
I will no longer blog.
Just bottle it up inside and let it eat at me.
I will no longer blog.
Just bottle it up inside and let it eat at me.
Friday, June 09, 2006
So in a 24 hour period, Perry has gone from one breath on his own per minute and in a total coma. To breathing on his own, Responding to people, suctioning himself and sitting up in a chair. ABSOLUTELY MIRACULOUS!!! Gives me chills.
And being as how my teenagers have been evil lately. It actually makes me thankful that they are well enough to be evil. Funny how life throws you these little reminders of how lucky you really are.
And being as how my teenagers have been evil lately. It actually makes me thankful that they are well enough to be evil. Funny how life throws you these little reminders of how lucky you really are.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
SAD news
Just got a call from the ex. My nephew Perry, who will be 17 in August has had a bad accident. Occured on Saturday. Skateboarding without a helmet. Now he is in a coma at Harborview with brain exposed after brain surgery to relieve the pressure on Sun am.
A helmet is a little thing that does a lot. If only..If only.
A helmet is a little thing that does a lot. If only..If only.
Final exam
Have my final micro exam today. Yay and nay. Not prepared. Not time to study. Had two very large thousand dollar parties this weekend. CRAZY hair dressers on SUnday night. WHAT an AWESOME group. Still getting calls for parties and products. Very busy with that. Guess I should start keeping track of my business paperwork now. Also may have one recruit who seemed quite excited about the business. Also good news.
Lots of cleaning to do for the party this weekend. Hope all coming brings a change of clothes for their children. SQUIRT GUNS and WATER FIGHT!!!! WOO HOO!
Lots of cleaning to do for the party this weekend. Hope all coming brings a change of clothes for their children. SQUIRT GUNS and WATER FIGHT!!!! WOO HOO!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
My Amazing Monkey
Just wanted to mention my amazing husband. I am THE luckiest woman in the whole world to have such a wonderful hubby.
He is sexy, kind, brilliant, funny, witty and treats me like a princess. He is wonderful to my children and they can be "not so wonderful " at times. I get my meals prepared and wine served to me every night as if I were a queen.
He does so much for us. He is such a hard worker and the demands placed upon him are great, yet he greets us all every day with a smile. He is fair and not afraid to tell me if what I am doing is not all together correct. And he will stand up for me and support me at the drop of a hat. When I feel down he brings me up.
My husband is my best friend and lover.
I love you babe, more and more each day. I just want you to know how much I love you and appreciate you. When I look into your bright blue eyes in the morning, I know I am going to have a great day because I have you in my life.
Thank you for being you!!!
He is sexy, kind, brilliant, funny, witty and treats me like a princess. He is wonderful to my children and they can be "not so wonderful " at times. I get my meals prepared and wine served to me every night as if I were a queen.
He does so much for us. He is such a hard worker and the demands placed upon him are great, yet he greets us all every day with a smile. He is fair and not afraid to tell me if what I am doing is not all together correct. And he will stand up for me and support me at the drop of a hat. When I feel down he brings me up.
My husband is my best friend and lover.
I love you babe, more and more each day. I just want you to know how much I love you and appreciate you. When I look into your bright blue eyes in the morning, I know I am going to have a great day because I have you in my life.
Thank you for being you!!!
Monday, May 29, 2006
What a blast!! Great course (15 long miles) Great friends. Saturday was great weather and Sunday, well Sunday wasnt good weather unless you like the typical rainy, cold, windy, muddy Washington weather.
I rode my single speed. My "blue boo". It did great. I was soooo worried that I was going to disappoint my team mates. I was especially worried about disappointing Pete. I thought I would be very slow because the course wasnt so conducive to a single speeder. And yes, a geared bike would have been very beneficial on the straight aways but I kicked ass on the hills with my bike often passing up the gearies. But then they smoked me as soon as we got to the straight aways.
Can't believe how friendly and nice everyone was. From the volunteers at the tents to the racing fans to the other bikers. What a great group of people.
The first night, we pre rode the course and "devils down" became my bain of existence. I was fearful to go down it especially after biting it the weekend before at Green mountain on a very similar downhill course...I walked it..And that night I was so disappointed in myself.
The next day the race started. I was soooo nervous!!!! I want the only one--the outhouses were brimming with the evidence of nervous riders. YUCK!!! My goal wasnt necessarily to go fast but to make it down Devils down. AND I DID!!!! I was so pumped after that, I stepped on it and made much better time than anticipated!! I was quite proud of both my times and my accomplishment and the fact I didnt eat shit.
After a few mechanical problems our team was in last place. 5 out of 5th. With the excellent riders on our team we moved to 4th place and stayed there. However, upon viewing the tally and the times we are fairly positive that we took 3rd. Awaiting the final results on the round and round web site for certain.
I do however want to give a HUGE shout out to two people in particular. My hunny bunny boo boo "Monkey Mike" and Mary Napolitano for their incredible efforts in their solo races. My sexy spouse made 12 laps in 24 hours and Mary made 9 laps. WOW!! You guys are my idols. You rock. The strength and endurance you guys showed was absolutely amazing. It takes serious strength to keep pushing your legs up and down those hills and serious mental toughness to continue the pace for 24 hours. You guys are amazing!!!!!!!!
I love you boo!!! And I am so proud of what you accomplished despite your lack of serious training because of your instant add water and viola-- you have a family!!! You are an inspiration to me whenever I feel like giving up!
I am already looking forward to next years 24 hours of adrenalin!!!
I rode my single speed. My "blue boo". It did great. I was soooo worried that I was going to disappoint my team mates. I was especially worried about disappointing Pete. I thought I would be very slow because the course wasnt so conducive to a single speeder. And yes, a geared bike would have been very beneficial on the straight aways but I kicked ass on the hills with my bike often passing up the gearies. But then they smoked me as soon as we got to the straight aways.
Can't believe how friendly and nice everyone was. From the volunteers at the tents to the racing fans to the other bikers. What a great group of people.
The first night, we pre rode the course and "devils down" became my bain of existence. I was fearful to go down it especially after biting it the weekend before at Green mountain on a very similar downhill course...I walked it..And that night I was so disappointed in myself.
The next day the race started. I was soooo nervous!!!! I want the only one--the outhouses were brimming with the evidence of nervous riders. YUCK!!! My goal wasnt necessarily to go fast but to make it down Devils down. AND I DID!!!! I was so pumped after that, I stepped on it and made much better time than anticipated!! I was quite proud of both my times and my accomplishment and the fact I didnt eat shit.
After a few mechanical problems our team was in last place. 5 out of 5th. With the excellent riders on our team we moved to 4th place and stayed there. However, upon viewing the tally and the times we are fairly positive that we took 3rd. Awaiting the final results on the round and round web site for certain.
I do however want to give a HUGE shout out to two people in particular. My hunny bunny boo boo "Monkey Mike" and Mary Napolitano for their incredible efforts in their solo races. My sexy spouse made 12 laps in 24 hours and Mary made 9 laps. WOW!! You guys are my idols. You rock. The strength and endurance you guys showed was absolutely amazing. It takes serious strength to keep pushing your legs up and down those hills and serious mental toughness to continue the pace for 24 hours. You guys are amazing!!!!!!!!
I love you boo!!! And I am so proud of what you accomplished despite your lack of serious training because of your instant add water and viola-- you have a family!!! You are an inspiration to me whenever I feel like giving up!
I am already looking forward to next years 24 hours of adrenalin!!!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Decided I hate the geared bike. That in conjunction with the crappy Wildcat trail head complete with motorcycle ruts, large rocks, gravel and horse bunk made a very sucky ride yesterday. Couldnt make it up the sh*%Ty hills and then down the sh*^Ty hills the bike was horribly uncomfortable. We argued, then I bit it HARD. Endo'd in a drop off section complete with those large jutting sharp edged rocks. Opened up my right knee nicely. Had to steri strip it and ice it and coat my pain with alcohol later. Having an xray today to make sure no fractures. Hopefully just a soft tissue injury cause it will heal and can still ride this weekend. Bruised the other knee and left shoulder and wapped my head quite well. Thank god for helmets.
Anyway, may be quite a bit slower on the flats with my single speed but at least my single speed doesn't try to kill me and I know and am comfortable with the way it handles.
On second thought....maybe it was my spouse trying to kill me....I mean he did take me on that trail head with that SHi(&^%y bike with a dysfunctional derailleur, small heavy frame and very twitchy handling....HHHMM..perfect opportunity for an inexperienced rider to face an untimely demise...........
Anyway, may be quite a bit slower on the flats with my single speed but at least my single speed doesn't try to kill me and I know and am comfortable with the way it handles.
On second thought....maybe it was my spouse trying to kill me....I mean he did take me on that trail head with that SHi(&^%y bike with a dysfunctional derailleur, small heavy frame and very twitchy handling....HHHMM..perfect opportunity for an inexperienced rider to face an untimely demise...........
Friday, May 19, 2006
Geared up for Spokane
Went out tonight with my hunny bunny to test the borrowed geared bike I am going to ride at the Spokane 24 hour race next weekend. I have been riding a single speed for 8 months cause I had a hard time learning how to work gears as I was learning to maneuver technical trails, dodge wet roots and take one foot drops without landing t.u. (tits up).
Well, if you have a hundred gears on a bike there must be a reason for it right??? Wrong...After I realized that you don't need every single gear on the bike just because they are there..I did much better....After the first hour I was about ready to fling the noisy clacky derailleur sporting unnatural handlebar bearing f(*k@d up gear shifting chain ring sucking bike at my spouse.
Then I realized that if I just stay in my middle chain ring and use to middle gears, I was good. I even rode at dusk with a light on my helmet and didn't have to use my orthopedic emergency kit. I do still need to tackle a few good hills though before we do the Spokane shuffle.
But just let it be said that I love my single speed. My bootiful blue single speed.
Well, if you have a hundred gears on a bike there must be a reason for it right??? Wrong...After I realized that you don't need every single gear on the bike just because they are there..I did much better....After the first hour I was about ready to fling the noisy clacky derailleur sporting unnatural handlebar bearing f(*k@d up gear shifting chain ring sucking bike at my spouse.
Then I realized that if I just stay in my middle chain ring and use to middle gears, I was good. I even rode at dusk with a light on my helmet and didn't have to use my orthopedic emergency kit. I do still need to tackle a few good hills though before we do the Spokane shuffle.
But just let it be said that I love my single speed. My bootiful blue single speed.
Totally got a surprise today!!! I was awarded a $11,000 a year for 3 years academic scholarship at PLU. WOW! Was that exciting. Forgot I even applied for it. That makes almost 40,000 dollars in scholarship money I have received for school so far. WOO HOO!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sunny shine
I love this weather. The sun is shining. It is warm and summery. The flowers are out and the smell of fresh cut grass, BBQs, sun tan lotion and fragrant lillies fill the air. I love the sound of the birds singing and the kids laughing! Undoubtedly my favorite time of the year.
Mothers Day was fabulous. A wonderful trip to Poulsbo Valley nursery with family to rob the place of their loot. Josie helped me plant all the flowers and vegies we got. In fact..I now have green peppers and tomatoes growing all over my yard. Not just in the garden mind you..Josie got a little out of hand with the planting. She not only helped me pick out the flowers but find the perfect place to plant many of them.
Then last night, she panicked cause our lettuce was looking a little wilted so she directed Aaron to unwind and untangle the hose so she could water them. She then grabbed the digital camera and took pictures of every flower, rock, dirt mound, yard art and foliage she could. She was eager to share her "beautiful yard" with everyone she knew. Especially her teacher at daycare Mrs. Walton cause Mrs. Walton loves flowers too. And Josie did fairly well with her pictures, only a couple of pictures of her foot and Howies nostril.
Now just working on figuring out how to ride the geared bike Mike borrowed so I can ride the 24 hour race in Spokane. Very anxious bout that. Never ridden at night before and have not even ridden this new bike before. Not sure how comfortable I will be on it before Spokane. And what the hell is a almost 40 year old woman with 4 kids and one year riding experience doing attempting her first mountain bike race?? Am I friggin crazy or what....yup......
Mothers Day was fabulous. A wonderful trip to Poulsbo Valley nursery with family to rob the place of their loot. Josie helped me plant all the flowers and vegies we got. In fact..I now have green peppers and tomatoes growing all over my yard. Not just in the garden mind you..Josie got a little out of hand with the planting. She not only helped me pick out the flowers but find the perfect place to plant many of them.
Then last night, she panicked cause our lettuce was looking a little wilted so she directed Aaron to unwind and untangle the hose so she could water them. She then grabbed the digital camera and took pictures of every flower, rock, dirt mound, yard art and foliage she could. She was eager to share her "beautiful yard" with everyone she knew. Especially her teacher at daycare Mrs. Walton cause Mrs. Walton loves flowers too. And Josie did fairly well with her pictures, only a couple of pictures of her foot and Howies nostril.
Now just working on figuring out how to ride the geared bike Mike borrowed so I can ride the 24 hour race in Spokane. Very anxious bout that. Never ridden at night before and have not even ridden this new bike before. Not sure how comfortable I will be on it before Spokane. And what the hell is a almost 40 year old woman with 4 kids and one year riding experience doing attempting her first mountain bike race?? Am I friggin crazy or what....yup......
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
So I need some insight....Any takers????
Someone explain to me the allure of pornography. I don't understand. In fact I spent much of last night surfing porno sites to determine what the allure is before I went off!!!!. I wanted to give it a fair shake. I mean, you can't exactly throw a tantrum and go on some kind of diatribe about how it is disgusting and belittling etc. etc. yada yada yada unless you experience it for yourself. While it was very interesting to find the different lengths and girths associated with the male member..I did not find it in the least bit satisfying. Nor did I understand or do I understand why reading literature about mothers doing it with their sons or intercourse between sisters and brothers very.....Literary and worth noting. It was perverse, filthy, disgusting and plain old ucky...Do not get me wrong..Anyone who knows me knows I am not a prude. In fact, I sell adult novelties myself!! I love sex but sex is so much more than what is shown on the internet.
It is about a satisfying relationship between you and your partner. And if one is truly satisfied in your relationship; Why the need to look at other women's who haws and yaw yaws and same with other mens for that matter???
Makes me wonder, do you have to pre horny yourself just to be with me? Am I not attractive because I don't have double DD yaw yaws. I don't understand.
Maybe I am alone here and maybe it is just me, but I felt totally hurt last night. I cried because I felt so belittled. I don't have the greatest self esteem and that surely cut what little I do have to the quick. If porn is to be watched..maybe it should be watched together. Couples sharing..I don't know.. That is why I sell what I sell. To improve relationships. RELATIONSHIPS.
I went through this with my last marriage...I always found porn when I was pregnant, fat and feeling very very ugly.
Oh I will stop...
Needless to say I will get over this. But I am very very hurt. Again, I don't have a great excuse as to why. Someone PLEEEEAAASE explain to me the allure. And if I am wrong..Please tell me and explain to me. I almost feel as if I have been cheated on ....
Someone explain to me the allure of pornography. I don't understand. In fact I spent much of last night surfing porno sites to determine what the allure is before I went off!!!!. I wanted to give it a fair shake. I mean, you can't exactly throw a tantrum and go on some kind of diatribe about how it is disgusting and belittling etc. etc. yada yada yada unless you experience it for yourself. While it was very interesting to find the different lengths and girths associated with the male member..I did not find it in the least bit satisfying. Nor did I understand or do I understand why reading literature about mothers doing it with their sons or intercourse between sisters and brothers very.....Literary and worth noting. It was perverse, filthy, disgusting and plain old ucky...Do not get me wrong..Anyone who knows me knows I am not a prude. In fact, I sell adult novelties myself!! I love sex but sex is so much more than what is shown on the internet.
It is about a satisfying relationship between you and your partner. And if one is truly satisfied in your relationship; Why the need to look at other women's who haws and yaw yaws and same with other mens for that matter???
Makes me wonder, do you have to pre horny yourself just to be with me? Am I not attractive because I don't have double DD yaw yaws. I don't understand.
Maybe I am alone here and maybe it is just me, but I felt totally hurt last night. I cried because I felt so belittled. I don't have the greatest self esteem and that surely cut what little I do have to the quick. If porn is to be watched..maybe it should be watched together. Couples sharing..I don't know.. That is why I sell what I sell. To improve relationships. RELATIONSHIPS.
I went through this with my last marriage...I always found porn when I was pregnant, fat and feeling very very ugly.
Oh I will stop...
Needless to say I will get over this. But I am very very hurt. Again, I don't have a great excuse as to why. Someone PLEEEEAAASE explain to me the allure. And if I am wrong..Please tell me and explain to me. I almost feel as if I have been cheated on ....
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
NOT so funny lesson
Your days may seem stressed and you may be overwhelmed and wish there was something you could change about your life. Perhaps, you don't like your job. You kids are out of control. Troubled relationships?
But I received a call on Monday that broke my heart.....
This call was transferred from the receptionist at the front desk. It was an overwhelmed mother who needed help with her sick baby...Sound simple right?? Wrong....This was a mother about my age with a medically fragile one year old baby. This baby was born with a ventricular septal defect. ( A hole in her heart). She has a PEG tube. (Tube in her stomach) for feeding and was vomiting all her feedings. On top of this..The mom was mentally unstable..She went on to tell me she takes copious amounts of Xanax and valium and marinol(cannabis tabs) an antidepressant and opiates for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). On top of this, her husband is abusive and on probation for domestic abuse. She loves him....She loves him not.
She also recently broke her calcaneus(heel of foot) which has put her in a cast and unable to bear weight with the potential for surgical fixation.
She was completely hysterical. She was suicidal and had previously made two suicide attempts. She explained to me that she used to be an EMT and knew how to mix her medications to make her sleep..permanently. And she told me she was thinking about ending her life again....I could hear the baby whimpering in the background.
I spent 40 minutes on the phone with her, listening to her and collecting the necessary information to get her help. She abruptly hung up on me...I began to shake thinking about the possibilities.
I called 911, explained the situation. I also was required by law as a health care provider to call CPS in which I did that as well.
It turned out her and the baby were taken to the emergency room. It looks as though the mom was released back home and the baby was taken into a CPS hold.
I know I did the right thing for the baby and ultimately the mom. But I have such mixed emotions about that call. I may have saved two lives in the long run but in the short run, I have just taken a baby from it's mother and a mother from it's baby. And to me that would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me personally.
So, I am receiving a service excellence award at work for this call...But I don't feel very excellent.
But I received a call on Monday that broke my heart.....
This call was transferred from the receptionist at the front desk. It was an overwhelmed mother who needed help with her sick baby...Sound simple right?? Wrong....This was a mother about my age with a medically fragile one year old baby. This baby was born with a ventricular septal defect. ( A hole in her heart). She has a PEG tube. (Tube in her stomach) for feeding and was vomiting all her feedings. On top of this..The mom was mentally unstable..She went on to tell me she takes copious amounts of Xanax and valium and marinol(cannabis tabs) an antidepressant and opiates for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). On top of this, her husband is abusive and on probation for domestic abuse. She loves him....She loves him not.
She also recently broke her calcaneus(heel of foot) which has put her in a cast and unable to bear weight with the potential for surgical fixation.
She was completely hysterical. She was suicidal and had previously made two suicide attempts. She explained to me that she used to be an EMT and knew how to mix her medications to make her sleep..permanently. And she told me she was thinking about ending her life again....I could hear the baby whimpering in the background.
I spent 40 minutes on the phone with her, listening to her and collecting the necessary information to get her help. She abruptly hung up on me...I began to shake thinking about the possibilities.
I called 911, explained the situation. I also was required by law as a health care provider to call CPS in which I did that as well.
It turned out her and the baby were taken to the emergency room. It looks as though the mom was released back home and the baby was taken into a CPS hold.
I know I did the right thing for the baby and ultimately the mom. But I have such mixed emotions about that call. I may have saved two lives in the long run but in the short run, I have just taken a baby from it's mother and a mother from it's baby. And to me that would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me personally.
So, I am receiving a service excellence award at work for this call...But I don't feel very excellent.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Funny Lessons
Learned kind of a funny lesson today. Do not pinch a man's butt when he is slinging poo..I mean mud. Cause he jumps and flings his mud where he doesn't really wanna, lectures you about the possibility of cutting off his valuable man jewels with the knife he is holding and then later explains how it is also a bad thing to do this to a man as he is working under the hood of a car.
I dunno. Here's my theory........
I GOT HIM!! And he didn't like it. HEE HEE
(Ya know I love you boo!!!!)
I dunno. Here's my theory........
I GOT HIM!! And he didn't like it. HEE HEE
(Ya know I love you boo!!!!)
Let me just say how TOTALLY excited I am to be accepted into PLU's highly competitive LPN to BSN nursing program. To start in September of 2006. WOO HOO!!!!!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I had the shitake scared outa me today. Got a call from my mother on my cell phone and at work to let me know that Dr. Diaz's office is trying to call me because of Mason's blood work. So what do I do...I FREAK....I automatically assume he has leukemia..I start to shake, get nauseous and can't focus. SERIOUSLY!! I called the nurse back and left a message on her voicemail. And called and called and called and called...She never answered her friggin phone. So I called the receptionist and explained to her that one cannot call an emergency contact number stating there is something wrong with one's sons bloodwork and then make herself unavailable...Didn't work...No friggin sympathy....So finally she called me back just to tell me Mason had a little protein in his urine. Barely above normal but should be repeated in 2 weeks just in case because of his tummy aches.
HOLY CRAP! If only she would of mentioned that little tid bit earlier, I would not have overdosed on adrenaline... DID I mention I am a FREAK!!
HOLY CRAP! If only she would of mentioned that little tid bit earlier, I would not have overdosed on adrenaline... DID I mention I am a FREAK!!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
So much
After failed attempts at lifelong partnership..To find the right one is scary. Now I am afraid of loss. What would happen if you find your soulmate after years of looking only to lose that mate. You let go just to trust because you know it is the right thing to do..But once you let that guard down..what if the unspeakable happens.
I received at lecture tonight about trust and love and letting go of the past. Letting go of past relationship that your partner had or thought about having.
Not sure how appropriate that was....I am learning...To fear is human..To trust is superhuman.
I received at lecture tonight about trust and love and letting go of the past. Letting go of past relationship that your partner had or thought about having.
Not sure how appropriate that was....I am learning...To fear is human..To trust is superhuman.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Play DAY!!!!
Took the kids to Theler Wetlands in Belfair. Awesome!! Great trails and kids got to see lots of wild life. Great walking trails too. Quite windy..Lots of killer birds..Not literally but cool looking.
Then off to the BIG park in Silverdale with everyone else in Kitsap County. It's kind of funny. Its like the masses head out doors to suck up every smidgen of sunshine they can when the first REAL spring day appears. And they stay there....and stay there...until the sun goes away...Kind of reminds me of a baby bird with its mouth open waiting for moms regurgitated worm...Don't know why it reminds me of that
.....It just does.....
Then off to the BIG park in Silverdale with everyone else in Kitsap County. It's kind of funny. Its like the masses head out doors to suck up every smidgen of sunshine they can when the first REAL spring day appears. And they stay there....and stay there...until the sun goes away...Kind of reminds me of a baby bird with its mouth open waiting for moms regurgitated worm...Don't know why it reminds me of that
.....It just does.....
Amazing Love
This morning I looked at the toothless grin of my six year old and realized how amazing it is to love something so much. Growing up you think, wow, it would be cool to have kids. You don't realize just how amazing until you become a parent. I can't believe how much love you can have for another human being until you become a parent. You would move heaven and earth. You would become a criminal for. You would give your life for, your children.
Friday, April 21, 2006
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