Thursday, June 22, 2006

Broke Back Forest

Title was kind of a STM inside joke.
Had a GREAT time last night with the Single Track Mind crew. Burgers, Brats, Beer, a good ride and good company. Met some really great people that I would love to hang with more often.

Bout of the tummy flu today though. Stayed home, kept kids home with me and slept much of the day. Monkey came home to take care of me and ended up feeling kinda blah himself and took a nap as well.

Feeling a bit better now.

I just saved money on my car insurance.............kidding...just couldnt resist. I actually now ride for team Velo Bella !! Its a womens racing team..They sponsor but the main goal is to have fun!!! No set amount of rides you need to do. Just buy a jersey, a license, sign up for email, post your info and race at least one ride...Not a problem being as how I plan on submitting myself to some cyclo cross pain this fall with my spouse. Should be an interesting fall...3 kids in soccer, 1 in SKHS football cheer, school for the kids, myself starting at PLU, and Monkey and I cross racing. ..Kinda makes me tired thinking about it.
I just wonder how many people actually start doing racing (amateur) or professional alike at almost 40. Well, what the hell. Ya only live once right????
Peace out!!

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