Friday, July 21, 2006


So the funnies thing happened to me this morning...I had some coffee and you know what happens after a couple cups of coffee....You have to go build a log cabin in the bathroom.
So on top of building a log cabin, it also happens to be the time of the month when my red friend visits me. So anyway, ya know how when you are done in the bathroom, you look in the toilet to see what you created?? Don't deny it...You know you do...Everyone does..........Anyway, I noticed a long stringy shiny thing in the toilet. Immediately I thought I lost my IUD...But upon looking closer, right next to my tampon was my lady bug necklace. I swear I didn't eat it for breakfast. I had rice krispies with blue berries on it..So I don't think it came out of my colon.... All I can think of is that I didn't clasp it well this morning after I took my PTA bath (Pits, Tits, Ass) . (In case you are wondering, I take a quick wipe down bath after I bike into work in the morning)
ANyway, I had to dig the necklace out of the toilet without losing the ladybug amidst my throne creations. I wanted to avoid having to finger paint..Although, I plan on fingerpainting when I am an old lady just because I can probably get away with it then.
Needless to say, I had to wash my necklace well and hand sanitize it etc...I guess I should wash my hands too.
The moral of this story is.. Always check out your art work in the potty when you are done creating cause you never know what you might find.

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