Friday, May 19, 2006

Geared up for Spokane

Went out tonight with my hunny bunny to test the borrowed geared bike I am going to ride at the Spokane 24 hour race next weekend. I have been riding a single speed for 8 months cause I had a hard time learning how to work gears as I was learning to maneuver technical trails, dodge wet roots and take one foot drops without landing t.u. (tits up).
Well, if you have a hundred gears on a bike there must be a reason for it right??? Wrong...After I realized that you don't need every single gear on the bike just because they are there..I did much better....After the first hour I was about ready to fling the noisy clacky derailleur sporting unnatural handlebar bearing f(*k@d up gear shifting chain ring sucking bike at my spouse.
Then I realized that if I just stay in my middle chain ring and use to middle gears, I was good. I even rode at dusk with a light on my helmet and didn't have to use my orthopedic emergency kit. I do still need to tackle a few good hills though before we do the Spokane shuffle.
But just let it be said that I love my single speed. My bootiful blue single speed.

1 comment:

monk3y mike said...

But at least you didn't throw the bike at me!