Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mock cycle complete!

Mock estrogen cycle completed!! Uterine lining responded well to Estrogen therapy. Blood levels remained within normal limits. Hysterosonogram was perfect- no polyps or fibroids. Had a sounding too- which is a mock transfer to find the right spot for the little eggie. Still looking for the perfect donor with Seattle Reproductive Medicine. Can't believe how quickly the donors are snatched up! I guess the donor egg program is a lot more popular than i have ever imagined. Amazing the modern medical miracles that take place daily! I recently learned through a friend going through this that is is best to choose a proven donor. Proven donors have already shown they are responsible and able to take their medications and must have proven results or they would be declined further cycles.

Next step is birth control pills (brings me back to my teenage days. What ever happened to the days of getting pregnant in the back seat of a car) Then cycle coordination with our donor.

Hoping for a transfer date of July...ish...

But for now- the sun is calling my name and my poor road bike is whining like an unloved dog..

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