Here are pictures of my beautiful 18 yo daughter on prom night. I cannot believe she is a senior and graduating from the same high school that I went to just yesterday!! After graduation she plans to attend Whatcom Community College in Bellingham and then transfer to WWU- her Aunt Bee's alma mater (she adores her Aunt Bee).
So I will be gathering together a hope chest filled with supplies for her own apartment....her own apartment...OMIGOD!! My heart hurts..I am serious..when I think of my little girl as a grown up on her own with her own apartment and on her own in this harsh world where things can hurt her it literally hurts my heart, the thought of the dangers she could face gives me great anxiety and fills me with fear. How will I protect her??? In fact just writing this makes me want to cry. I dont know how parents deal with it- how do they let go? I am such a blubbery baby.
But look how gorgeous she is..........
Not a blubbery baby. Just a VERY loving mother. You've done a great job with Bridget boo.
Thanks babe.
Mom that was a good one at least someones moving out of the house just need to wait a long time and ill be moving out of the house well after Aaron moves out
Love Ya
Great work.
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