Hello from Oregon coast- here are some of our pics from our visit here- having a great time! Weather is beautiful!!..today......Had a great time with Kat and Eric and enjoyed seeing Seth again. Saw whales today on the boating tour- Josie was scared shitless! Have a beautiful condo on the beach- 174 steps to get to the beach. Shot off a few illegal fireworks- about caught the house on fire but all is good!!!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
New Park- Fun fun
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007

She did it!! My little girl graduated! Exactly 20 years ago - I graduated from the same high school. Time flies. She looked so grown up in her heels and gown. Can hardly believe how fast time has flown by!!! Had lots of family show up and my dad and Claudia suffered with a grueling trip from Friday Harbor (sorry bout the lack of beer at the dome daddyo). My dad, Claudia, and I sat in the nosebleed section- was dizzyingly high up there! Cannot believe how many people packed the dome for graduation. Decked out my car with paint to celebrate my little girl!!!! What a proud mommy I am!!!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
My Beautiful Princess!!!!

Here are pictures of my beautiful 18 yo daughter on prom night. I cannot believe she is a senior and graduating from the same high school that I went to just yesterday!! After graduation she plans to attend Whatcom Community College in Bellingham and then transfer to WWU- her Aunt Bee's alma mater (she adores her Aunt Bee).
So I will be gathering together a hope chest filled with supplies for her own apartment....her own apartment...OMIGOD!! My heart hurts..I am serious..when I think of my little girl as a grown up on her own with her own apartment and on her own in this harsh world where things can hurt her it literally hurts my heart, the thought of the dangers she could face gives me great anxiety and fills me with fear. How will I protect her??? In fact just writing this makes me want to cry. I dont know how parents deal with it- how do they let go? I am such a blubbery baby.
But look how gorgeous she is..........
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Mountain Biking
I can't quite explain what it is like (for those of you who don't ride). When mountain biking, you simply cannot think of anything else- you have to think of the next turn- how do I take it..wide..tight?? Crap there is a root- lift up the front, push down on the bars and lift the back wheel over it- shit!!! I wasn't expecting that drop- sit back or endo and die...Listen....Listen to the wildlife- feel the breeze as you whip down the hill- you feel as if you are flying- nothing feels so invigorating. You feel rebellious as you grunt through the big muddy ass puddle and feel the mud fly all over your face like when you made mud pies as a child. DAMN--you bite it-- but the first thing you do is check your bike- then your body--just a little blood- everything still moves- good thing I know some good orthopedic surgeons..... Get up...do it again.......AWWW nothing like mountain biking.....
Friday, May 25, 2007
My accident prone little man

Another trip to the doctors office to see Dr. VanBuecken (orthopedics) this morning for yet another playground accident.
Diagnosis: Distal clavicle fracture- nondisplaced
Treatment: Sling for 3 weeks.
Prognosis: Excellent
Patient teaching: Quit running on the playground!!! Or at least pick up your feet!!!!!
Took my last final yesterday- survived my first year at PLU with a 3.95 gpa. Just taking a few online classes this summer- art and anthropology at local community college. University of Chester or Olympic Community College- who by the way is striving to charge university prices- HOLY CRAP!!!! Cost about $868 for two online summer classes- not including textbooks- whew.....
OUt to work in the yard--- BBQ tomorrow!!!!
Diagnosis: Distal clavicle fracture- nondisplaced
Treatment: Sling for 3 weeks.
Prognosis: Excellent
Patient teaching: Quit running on the playground!!! Or at least pick up your feet!!!!!
Took my last final yesterday- survived my first year at PLU with a 3.95 gpa. Just taking a few online classes this summer- art and anthropology at local community college. University of Chester or Olympic Community College- who by the way is striving to charge university prices- HOLY CRAP!!!! Cost about $868 for two online summer classes- not including textbooks- whew.....
OUt to work in the yard--- BBQ tomorrow!!!!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Forgot I had a blog- took me an hour to figure out what my password was. Had to catch up on the Monkey rants on his plans to capture bike mileage. (Goals are good honey :) ). I dont really have anything to say- just that I am still alive- haven't gotten kicked outta nursing school yet- give me a few days..like when I get my dosage calculations score back.....
P. S. remind me to write about the therapist at the Mental Hospital where I am doing my clinical rotation who fears we will become too friendly and nice with the mentally ill criminal offenders such as the mentally ill murderers and rapists and give them our address and phone numbers when they get out- invite them for drinks etc. Maybe offer them a small child..Anyway that is a sick other story.
Going to get back to work now...(yes..I am at work...yes..I am bored.)
P. S. remind me to write about the therapist at the Mental Hospital where I am doing my clinical rotation who fears we will become too friendly and nice with the mentally ill criminal offenders such as the mentally ill murderers and rapists and give them our address and phone numbers when they get out- invite them for drinks etc. Maybe offer them a small child..Anyway that is a sick other story.
Going to get back to work now...(yes..I am at work...yes..I am bored.)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
My day at the hospital
So, the year 2007 is starting off interesting....Last night (Jan. 1) Mike had a bit too much....I mean a sloshing of wine and was a bit lit.....I mean quite lit...Not a pretty site...
Now..beings as how today is the national day of mourning for President Ford, Mike had the day off so we decided to go recliner shopping- desperately need to replace the stinky broken green thing that Josie calls her own that has been stained and tainted by pretty much every bodily fluid of human and animal alike, all four food groups on numerous occasions including bubble gum and many designs from the children using permanent marker...So we were at our fourth and last furniture store when we got the dreaded phone call from School....The voicemail message when like this..."Hi Mrs. Wellborn, this is Carrie from Sunnyslope. Mason has had an accident on the playground and has a head injury and a bad laceration on his forehead that is going to require stitches. Please call back as soon as possible, I will try your work phone at Harrison Home health."
SHIT!!!!!! (no she didnt say that, that was me) So we left JcPenney like a bat outta hell. I called the school back and Carrie answered. I asked to speak with the nurse, Carrie said she would transfer me back but the nurse couldnt pick up because she had blood all over her hands. SHIT (again) Now my heart is pumping- kinda feel all heart attacky.....So I talk with the nurse who tells me that nothing rattles her cages because she is a nurse- but this is rattling her cage. FUCK!!!! Forget the shit- so I am now a little freaked. I can handle any patient injury and wound but not myself or my own children......
Well, spent 4 hours at Harrison ER- decided that this was not a case for the urgent care- didnt know Mason's neuro status---- (upon arrival at the school, Mason was in a little state of shock)---My poor little baby. So a 2+ inch laceration on his forehead and the depth was all the way down to scalp as in cranium as in bone- yup is was visible alright. Kinda looked like a little mouth on this forehead especially when he wiggled his eye brows... Mason was a trooper and did fabulously- in fact- the only part that hurt was taking the butterfly bandages off his laceration that the school nurse had put on his head. WOW that baby was deep. The physician's assistant who sutured him did a fantastic job- there was a conversation about having a plastic surgeon come in to suture but didnt think that was necessary- we will try the tricks to minimize scarring.
Gosh----I am tired..Need my energy to see what tomorrow brings.
Now..beings as how today is the national day of mourning for President Ford, Mike had the day off so we decided to go recliner shopping- desperately need to replace the stinky broken green thing that Josie calls her own that has been stained and tainted by pretty much every bodily fluid of human and animal alike, all four food groups on numerous occasions including bubble gum and many designs from the children using permanent marker...So we were at our fourth and last furniture store when we got the dreaded phone call from School....The voicemail message when like this..."Hi Mrs. Wellborn, this is Carrie from Sunnyslope. Mason has had an accident on the playground and has a head injury and a bad laceration on his forehead that is going to require stitches. Please call back as soon as possible, I will try your work phone at Harrison Home health."
SHIT!!!!!! (no she didnt say that, that was me) So we left JcPenney like a bat outta hell. I called the school back and Carrie answered. I asked to speak with the nurse, Carrie said she would transfer me back but the nurse couldnt pick up because she had blood all over her hands. SHIT (again) Now my heart is pumping- kinda feel all heart attacky.....So I talk with the nurse who tells me that nothing rattles her cages because she is a nurse- but this is rattling her cage. FUCK!!!! Forget the shit- so I am now a little freaked. I can handle any patient injury and wound but not myself or my own children......
Well, spent 4 hours at Harrison ER- decided that this was not a case for the urgent care- didnt know Mason's neuro status---- (upon arrival at the school, Mason was in a little state of shock)---My poor little baby. So a 2+ inch laceration on his forehead and the depth was all the way down to scalp as in cranium as in bone- yup is was visible alright. Kinda looked like a little mouth on this forehead especially when he wiggled his eye brows... Mason was a trooper and did fabulously- in fact- the only part that hurt was taking the butterfly bandages off his laceration that the school nurse had put on his head. WOW that baby was deep. The physician's assistant who sutured him did a fantastic job- there was a conversation about having a plastic surgeon come in to suture but didnt think that was necessary- we will try the tricks to minimize scarring.
Gosh----I am tired..Need my energy to see what tomorrow brings.
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