Sunday, June 13, 2010

How many eggies??

Met with Dr. Dudley last week and signed consent forms, discussed what to do with frozen embryos and how many eggies to implant. This is a tough one----we have however, decided to definitely do two with a 3 day transfer. But the difficult part is the 5 day transfer- apparently a higher success rate of implantation and higher quality embryo (blastocyst at this phase).. So..they really recommend transferring one to avoid multiples (not excited about carrying multiples) but if I transfer just one- what if one doesn't make it. 1-1=0 (I learned this in grade school) But if we decide to transfer two and one doesn't make it 2-1=1 (see how smart I am)... But conversely- since we are using "young" eggs and our donor already has proven fertility (2 children herself)- 2-0=2 (not exactly a good idea considering my history of hypertension in pregnancy- NICU time and sick babies doesn't make me happy either) OH- and here's another arithmetic factor to also consider- the rare but occurring splitting of one egg (identical twins) 2+1= 3 (definitely a NO NO)...
Big sigh---what to do....what to do....