Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Forgot I had a blog- took me an hour to figure out what my password was. Had to catch up on the Monkey rants on his plans to capture bike mileage. (Goals are good honey :) ). I dont really have anything to say- just that I am still alive- haven't gotten kicked outta nursing school yet- give me a few days..like when I get my dosage calculations score back.....
P. S. remind me to write about the therapist at the Mental Hospital where I am doing my clinical rotation who fears we will become too friendly and nice with the mentally ill criminal offenders such as the mentally ill murderers and rapists and give them our address and phone numbers when they get out- invite them for drinks etc. Maybe offer them a small child..Anyway that is a sick other story.

Going to get back to work now...(yes..I am at work...yes..I am bored.)